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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  November 22, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST

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thanksgiving week. 50 right now and cloudy skies with a little bit of fog at national. 53 at 9:00, 61 at noon. sun this afternoon with clouds and 63 by 5:00 p.m. look at this dense fog advisory covers the entire metro. anne arundel is not in it, some of the visibilities across the bay bridge are half mime. eastern shore, down south we've got dense fog advisory. visibilities three quarters in annapolis and cambridge, half mile in andrews, quarter mile in culpeper, winchester even though you're not in the advisory you still have visibility down to zero at the airport. we are talking 5:00 a.m., angie goff has the latest monday morning traffic. thank you, howard. hello everybody. overall we are in the clear across the region. we're talking about incidents and accidents. take a look for yourself. 270 southbound is where we are going to begin. we want to let you know out of frederick toward the split you will run into a little bit of that patchy fog. so you might want to be a little patient, take it a little easy.
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outer loop no incidents or accidents, just foggy conditions between 95 over to georgia avenue. in prince george's county, route four and five, branch avenue, crane highway, lanes wide open on all three roadways. into d.c. inbound new york avenue, live conditions right here, no complaints from the times building to the third street tunnel. in your next traffic report, we're in virginia checking on 267, eastbound travelers at 5:09. back to you. thank you, angie. security will be high this morning at osbourn high school in manassas, virginia. >> a ninth grader was stabbed to death after class friday. a second stabbing, possibly a gang retaliation happened over the weekend. kristin fisher is live at the school where parents are clearly concerned this morning. kristin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, mike and andrea. officials at this high school say they are not anticipating any specific problems today although they are planning on
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increasing police presence throughout the day, both inside and outside the high school. grief counselors will be available for all of the students, but still many parents are saying that they are not planning on sending their kids to school today for fear of possible more gang retaliation. now this started last friday when a 15-year-old student, miguel hernandez was stabbed to death while walking home from osbourn high school. police say it was not a random attack. they say he was specifically targeted. an 18-year-old and 17-year-old have been arrested. they've also been charged with gang participation and murder. then on seat a second stabbing, this time at the grant avenue shopping center. the victim survived, but police say the two stabbings are likely connected. now many teachers, parents and students say the fear is that the violence will continue today. here's what manassas city manager said. >> i'm not sure we can avoid
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retaliation, but we can be prepared for anything that may happen at the school. we don't anticipate one. >> reporter: just to give you an idea of how real the fear is, at the same time a fellow 9news reporter was interviewing witnesses sunday about that murder. those witnesses received a very threatening text. now, on the surface the picture might seem innocent, but those who received it, say that elmo , the elmo that's draped in ms-13 gang colors is actually a threat to their life. so needless to say that interview was cut very short. but it just goes to show you that the fear here is indeed very real and it will be interesting to see exactly how many parents decide not to send their kids to school here today. back to you, mike and andrea. >> before you go, i know in the past few years, fairfax county has been very aggressive in targeting schools to keep gangs out of school. does this means there is a resurgence in northern virginia? >> reporter: well, police say they are seeing a little of a
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resurgence. they believe that these two stabbings are likely related to two rival hispanic gangs in the northern virginia area. now, over the past few months they've seen gang activity increase, but it really started to spill into the manassas area over the summer where we saw a few stabbings, actually a few machete attacks over the summer, but what happened on friday, that stabbing was turned into a homicide. it was a fatal stabbing. that was the very first hop side in quite some time -- homicide in quite some time that the gang violent was connected to a murder. thank you, kristin. it's four after the hour. while you slept another successful mine rescue. >> this one in china. 22 coal miners and seven rescuers were hoisted to safety this morning. they became trapped more than a day earlier when that mine shaft they were in suddenly flooded. the first team of rescuers who reach them also became trapped.
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they are all alive though and said to be in stable condition now. a man riding a motorcycle near the intersection of great seneca highway died sunday after losing control of his bike. police say 33-year-old larry daniel tally may have hit his head against a parked van after he lost control. before coming to a stop the bike hit two vehicles, but no one inside was hurt. residents say speeding motorcycle ride remembers common along that stretch of road. a spotsylvania teen is dead, the sheriff's office is trying to figure out what happened. 17-year-old kevin sullivan investigators say was found in a ditch along salem church road back on november 12th with severe injuries. he died saturday. police are not sure how sullivan was injured in the first place. so far no witnesses have come forward in this. if you have any information, please call authorities. police have made an arrest days after discovering a body in a box in frederick county.
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a 31-year-old man is charged with first degree murder. a road crew on i-70 made the discovery near the brad dock heights exit last tuesday. police say valencia shot 36-year-old jackvo vasquez of the constitution avenue last week. and dumped his body on the roadside. for the first time liquor stores on montgomery county open doors on sunday. a six month trial started yesterday. liquor and wine stores will be open from noon to 6:00 p.m. county official also monitor the cost, revenue and customer satisfaction apparently one estimate says the move could generate $2 million per year in additional tax revenue for the county. it is time to get ready, set, shop. >> jessica is here with best black friday deals being advertised. >> just four days until the madness that is black friday. are you ready? we're all set, right? >> here are the deals you'll want to know about so you can
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decide if you want to fight the crowds. target and the tv deal everyone is talking about this year. it is that 40-inch westinghouse lcd hdtv on sale for $298, a discount of more than $250. how about a bl.-ray player, lots of stores are $100. black friday walmart and target are selling blu-ray movies between five and sad. e readers are hot, get the $150 nook e reader from barnes and noble for $100. or kmart and get the 7-inch android tablet computer for $140, $40 off. other deals, target is selling a cannon power shot ten mega pixel digital camera for $129, $100 discount there. cashmere, folks it's a little chilly kohl's has sweaters that were $100, for $35. if you spend $25 at old navy
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you get a free dance central game for xbox 360. and the lego, selling for $65, full price is $110. write them down for your shopping list. >> i heard some stores, you do searching, you can get a free blu-ray player. i guess it depends where you buy it. >> that's a good one. you've given us ap-ps to look for these deals. use them. thank you. the taliban responds to a nato plan for removing troops from afghanistan. and reaction is in after the pope makes unexpected comments about condoms. and it took over time, but the redskins put one in the win column after that monday night embarrassment against the eagles. we shouldn't even mention that it was so bad. coming up on nine after the hour.
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coming up on ten after 5:00 on this foggy monday morning. dense fog advisory until 11:00. drizzle too, and many areas seeing visibility as quarter mile or less, even down to zero in a few spots. the day planner for today, looking at fog and clouds this morning. 53 at 9:00. by noon 62. partly sunny by 3:00, 65 your high for the day. andrea and mike? thank you, howard. 5:10 making news this morning. >> i'll go ahead and take it from there real quickly. 267 traveling eastbound finding lanes wide open from the dulles green way towards the toll plaza. coming up in your next traffic report more on your virginia roadways at 5:17. now back to mike and andrea. now at 5:10 authorities in new zealand are saying 29 miners trapped since friday may have
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died. toxic gases have prevented rescuers from entering the mine and there has been no contact with the missing miners. it's feared they may have died in the initial explosion. rescue crews are drilling holes in preparation to send a robot in the mine to take pictures. the taliban is reacting to nato's plan to withdraw combat troops from afghanistan by 2014. a five-point statement from the taliban calling nato's plan quote irrational. the statement reiterated a taliban demand for foreign troops to leave afghanistan immediately or risk more bloodshed. a slew of reaction to recent comments from pope benedict. in an interview the pope said condom use may be justified in some cases like male prostitutes, some caution it could open a pandora's box on church doctrine. howard has your
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thanksgiving forecast coming up. and ceiling problems at the farragut north metro station. you're watching 9news now. selsun blue. got a clue? get the blue.
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good morning, welcome back to 9news now. we're coming up on 5:15.
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this viewer loves make waking up with us in the morning. i'll warn her about the fog and what a great weekend we had, huh? >> fantastic. a lot of things going on. i was at the penn state, indiana game. >> it was like an indiana home game. every time they showed the score board on the screen, even though penn state fans were overwhelming, it was a perfect indiana game. >> we have a big problem with fog this morning, with your bus stop forecast, not just fog, but spotty drizzle as well. you'll need the wipers in a few places. temperatures in the cool spot in the upper 30s, many areas in the mid to upper 40s even low 50s this morning. sunrise 6:58 it sets at 4:50 this afternoon. our day planner, the fog will be around early. low 50s with fog at 8:00. south winds around 5 miles per hour. by fan, partly sunny and maybe
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mostly cloudy. peaks of sun this afternoon. that will push us into the mid-60s for highs. close to 10 degrees above the average. and then by 8:00 p.m. we're back in the upper 50s with partly to mostly cloudy skies. south winds five to ten. visibilities causing problems, cambridge three quarters mile. we haven't heard yesterday, but often with the fog we get delays on the eastern shore, nothing in yet. zero in winchester, not in the advisory but quarter in manassas, fredricksburg, culpeper a half mile. frederick we're a mile, some areas half mile in frederick county. definite concerns with the fog. sold stuff in the valley where we have 30s, foggy in winchester, cumberland 36. along the bay upper 40s, nolan had a lot of fog with 50 degrees, manassas 46. 50 in town with cloudy skies and the fog. wind south at 3 miles per hour, high humidity, 96%.
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big thing for us this week will be the storm track, it will change. right now, seeing the dip out west. you have all the snow in north plains with air ahead of it. we'll cool down especially by saturday. we'll kind of feel it in pieces. this morning look at the rains there across parts of michigan, new york state, ohio. that will move more east going through early afternoon. as we continue through this evening, we still sit okay, we'll burn off fog, partly cloudy and tomorrow, here comes that front giving us showers by the afternoon. your next three days look like this: mild today, 65, once we burn off fog, 67 tomorrow, a couple showers in the afternoon and a cooler wednesday at 54. 54 on thanksgiving. a late shower, looks like wet weather saturday, much chillier on saturday with a high of 47. 5:17 let's get your time saver traffic. thank you, howard. i hope you had a great weekend everybody. happy monday to you. right now we are turning on
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that green light because everything nice clean and green across our map out here point the one thing we're dealing with is the fog. 95 making that northbound trip it looks like you will run into some of it as we move it outside around the prince william parkway continuing on toward the mixing bowl. back to the maps, this time a closer look at your inner and outer loop in virginia, moving it down this way. we want to show you we are in the clear. that construction outside between 50 and 267, the dulles toll road is out of here. you have your lanes back. the outer loop from 95 to 270 looking at a decent commute here. only taking ten minutes. 95 southbound construction is cleared at 198. 216 to the beltway you're okay. d.c. 295 no complaints to the 11th street bridge. in your next traffic report, we're flying 3d over 50 westbound at 5:25. thank you, angie. 5:18. we have an answer now about
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problems at the farragut north station from metro. after the concrete fell at that station ceiling last week, we asked about reports last november about cracks in a concrete ceiling beam. me toe says those cracks were found during routine maintenance and they were immediately braced and made safe. more money to help reinforce that was approved this spring. wednesday's incident was blamed on vdot construction crews working on connecticut avenue above the station. an assistant d.c. police chief has been suspended while the department's internal affairs division investigates her akio toyodas. sources say the assistant chief directed crews to the test answers. >> grooms is a 20 year police veteran oversees the department's patrol services and school security bureau. just about 5:20.
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still ahead there is a new nascar champion this morning. not exactly. >> the redskins bounce back from the awful monday night game with an overtime thriller. it is 5:20. before we head to break its time for the question of the mornin what does the average american household spend more for energy on: a, appliances; b, heating and cooling; or c, water heaters. put your answer on your facebook page. we'll reveal it in a little bit. ♪
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[ male announcer ] with fios, the movies you buy for them in the house... ♪ ...are easy to keep watching outside the house... ♪ ...even on the long road to grandma's house. for the first time, you're free to access the movies you buy on demand on all your devices. get the ultimate in kids' entertainment on the ultimate network. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities go to at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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welcome back to 5:23. clouds and fog and drizzle. you see the green, that's just drizzle, not showers. 50 degrees, by 9:53. once we burn off clouds and fog, temperatures will respond nicely, 64 at 1:00. manassas 66. topping off in the mid-60s with partly sunny conditions. later on could be warmer tomorrow. here's mike and andrea. in sports the redskins now have five wins on the year. that may not sounds like a big deal, but that's one more than they had all of last year. >> little by little things are improving. they did it yesterday in dramatic fashion. it all came down to beginninger graham gano, he missed a 47-yarder which would have won the game at the end of regulation, he got another
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shot, 48 yards this time. the skins beat the titans, 19-16. >> i knew he would come back and play well. i had a feeling with our guys we would go out and give it everything we have. >> i come in here, tennessee is a great team. it's hard to win here. and to get that victory, it's big for us. >> and the redskins now five and five. next week they visit the vikings. the redskins weren't the only ones who needed extra time, the wizards, gilbert arenas, ditches a ball, but misses the shot for the win. pistons caught fire in ot, helping down washington 115- 110. not a nascar, the sprint cup championship decided in homestead, florida at the ford 500, denny hamlin, you see him on the grass after bumping
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another car. jimmie johnson was second in the case. that was good enough for his fifth straight championship. only richard petty and dale earnhardt have more titles. and another local team had to go to overtime. the maryland terps field hockey team playing north carolina for the national championship. tied at two, sophomore megan frazier takes the pass and puts in the game winner, maryland wins it's seventh field hockey championship and the fourth in the last six years. >> that's fantastic. congratulations. >> tens of millions of americans are preparing to travel this week. at 5:30, the latest on the efforts to protest those new more invasive security screenings at airports. we'll help you get ready for the holidays with free shipping at 5:34. at 5:49 a new nonalcoholic drink that claims it can help you relax. it's 5:25. angie how are the roads looking? >> good morning, andrea. 50 westbound all lanes wide
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open from the eastern shore past annapolis towards the district. still ahead that drive through d.c., that is coming up in your next traffic report at 5:30. you're watching 9news now. (announcer) while there are some home disasters you can't avoid,
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there is one you can. septic system breakdowns affect 1.2 million homes each year. septic backups can cost about six thousand dollars in expense, and countless hours of repair. rid-x. help save yourself from disaster. [trumpet playing "reveille" throughout] let's support the small business owners getting our economy booming with the first ever small business saturday. on november 27th, shop small. it's going to be huge. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence]
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welcome back to 9news now, i'm andrea roane. happy monday is here. i'm mike hydeck. good morning angie. going to howard first for the weather. >> weather this morning will be a problem, with a dense fog advisory in effect. some visible as quarter mile or less. streets could be a little wet. once we get past this morning, decent this afternoon. it will be partly sunny later on. we start in the low 50s this morning, by noon 61, by 5:00, 63 for the drive home. we will top out at 65. sun is up at 650, setting at 4:50. all the counties in yellow,
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most of the metro, i have to tell you parts of anne arundel and frederick county virginia, you are not in the advisory but consider yourself in the advisory when winchester is a quarter mile, half at andrews, manassas, fredricksburg, culpeper, orange all one quarter mile. locally near zero in fairfax county as well. we have to watch that in charles county. temperatures this morning, need a jacket. manassas and haymarket 46. 49 in springfield, national and alexandria 50. it's 5:30. here's angie with your time saver traffic. thank you, hb. i'm giving you the go this morning, as you head out. but you will want to watch for the fog. so take it a little easy if you can. moving it to our maps, we focus towards the district as promised. we take you outside and show you conditions on inbound new york avenue. so far we have a good amount of drivers, but overall no major delays to report from the times
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building to florida avenue making your way toward the third street tunnel. back towards the map. this time we take it down to 395. northbound your trip in va at the 14th street bridge. outside we have more foggy conditions. so please be careful crossing the bridge toward the district. 66 eastbound back to the graphics from the fairfax county parkway to the beltway ten minutes. dulles toll roads checking out in the green as well. the inner loop in virginia 395 toward the toll road looks like no incidents or accidents along the way slowing you down. still ahead the gw parkway, conditions southbound at 5:39. back to you. thank you, angie. the thanksgiving week is starting with the possible disruption looming at the nation's airports. >> a loosely organized protest called national opt out day is scheduled wednesday, the day before thanksgiving, the busiest travel day of the year over new screening methods which include detailed body imaging scanners
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or for passengers who refuse that a thorough pat down. >> while the head of the tsa says his agency will work to make screening as least invasive as possible, he says the new scanners and pat down techniques are here to stay. and tens of millions of people will be driving this week. and they will encounter somewhat of an unusual trend at the gas station. usually prices drop after the summer driving season, but the average cost of gas has actually jumped 27 cents a gallon since september 1st. the average cost for regular nationwide is about 287 a gallon. tensions could be rachetted up at osbourn high school in manassas, virginia. 15-year-old miguel hernandez was stabbed to death while walking home friday. police say a second stabbing may be a gang retaliation. many parents have said they will not send their children to school today for fear of more of the same. >> i'm not sure we can avoid
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retaliation, but we can be prepared for any event that might happen at the school. we don't anticipate one. there will be heightened security throughout schools both inside and out. grief counselors will also be available. deliberations will be resuming this morning in the chandra levy murder trial. jurors head into a fourth day of trying to determine whether or not ingmar guandique is guilty. he is charged with the murder in the death of the d.c. intern who disappeared in may 2001. her remains were found a year later in rock creek park. friday the jury sent a note asking the judge for the legal definition of assault. today workers will once again be able to enjoy a public garden at discovery channel's corporate headquarters in silver spring, maryland. the company is reopening the garden more than two months after a gunman held three discovery employees hostage. the garden was closed for security reasons. it's adjacent to the lobby where james lee charged into the building with starter pistols
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and homemade pipe bombs. police shot and killed lee. the hostages were unhurt. tomorrow's virginia's governor will meet with defense secretary robert gates about a proposal to close the joint forces command in norfolk. governor bob mcdonald has joined other lawmakers in the commonwealth to push their case with the pentagon, since gates announced a plan this summer. the command employees 6000 civilian and military workers. gates wants to reallocate it's $1 billion budget to help with defense spending. just about 5:35. time again to ready, set shop. >> jessica doyle is back and saving us money on shipping for those special holiday gifts. good morning. >> good morning. whatever you want to call it, december, friday december 17th, this is free shipping day. >> free shipping day, okay. it's not a national holiday. starting to feel like it. it is the last day to order gifts in time for christmas and get free standard shipping. to celebrate this has become a one day online shipping event
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which stores offer free shipping with delivery by christmas eve. this year marks the third annual free shipping day. there are more than 1000 participating on line retailers, among them macy's, del and the apple store. you can check out, the store also lists the rush delivery charges. speaking of free shipping, that's a deal a lot of retailers are offering to capture your business. through the gaunt let offering free shipping on electronics and many items for the holidays. that's a deal amazon says it will match. ll bean and best buy are offering free shipping with no minimum order. other free shipping deals kick in after a $50 purchase such as target and old navy. look at the details when you look at free shipping. it is abundant but it does have some springs attached. >> of course. i mentioned before i don't get excited about shopping. you are getting me excited about shopping, ll bean and best buy, two of my favorite stores.
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so okay. >> thank you, mike. >> i shouldn't be buying stuff for myself. i'm still doing that. tens of thousands of students are getting the week off for thanksgiving. we'll tell you why? he headed for rome as an archbishop. he will return to washington now as a cardinal.
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welcome back at about 5:38. we are foggy this morning, dense fog advisory in effect until 11:00 a.m. this morning. some areas of visibility are a quarter mile or less. the day planner, the fog, 9:00. cloudy, 53. shine by midday, 61. topping off at 65, 66 with the 5:00 p.m. temperature 64. it is the holiday week. here a angie goff with your time saver traffic. >> thank you, howard bernstein the southbound george
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washington parkway, a smooth ride, but it's not one without the fog. please take your time this morning. still to come a check on your maryland roads. that's at 5:47. mike? thank you, angie. 5:39. you might not see as much traffic in louden county, school employees voted today and tomorrow as their furlough days. all county schools are closed. and the activities are cancelled. well, talk about an about face, one of the high school principals in fairfax county west potomac high school principal, cliff hard son put rules in place to make it almost impossible for students to receive a failing grade and he gave cheaters a second chance. hard son says after receiving lots of feedback, the school is going to return to it's older grading policies. washington's catholic archbishop is now a cardinal. pope benedict the xvi elevated donald wuerl to a cardinal. he will have a role to elect the next pontiff.
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well wishers from the washington archdiocese traveled to rome for the ceremony. one energy drink is helping you relax, they say. another sure sign we're entering the holiday week, pampered turkeys get ready for their presidential close up. let's check in and see who is celebrating the birthday. >> billie jean king is 67. jamie lee curtis is 52 today. actress mariele hemingway . mark ruffalo is 43. actress scarlett johansson is 26 today.
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5:44, almost we do weather first, a little fog this
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morning. >> a lot of fog in spots, with visibilities down to a quarter mile or less than that even. that will slow you down this morning. on the plus side a lot of people are off, not just today but for the entire week. keep that in mind. we'll get the bus stop forecast as we still have school for a couple more days this week. we have clouds, fog, even some spotty drizzle this morning. cold spots in the upper 30s, that's well west toward the i- 81 corridor, a few areas in the low 50s, most of us in the 40s for the sunrise. the sunset 4:50 this afternoon. 9:00 still cloudy, fog, 53. we'll see south winds five to 10 miles per hour today. with sunshine by noon, 61, partly sunny by 3:00, 65 or 66 or warmer in a couple spots. by 6:00, 52. once we burn off the fog we have a nice mild day. the fog is dense. winchester is up from zero to a quarter mile.
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culpeper, orange, fredricksburg, quarter mile. quantico and stafford as well, dame bridge half mile, leonardtown three quarters, pax river five. so much better there at the naval air station. toward the northern neck, rather foggy. frederick you're down to three quarters of a mile. you see the temperatures this morning, mostly in the 40s. here are your upper 30s, and martinsburg and loray, 36. right now reagan national cloudy skies, 50 degrees would south wind at three. the visibility is 2 miles. hopefully not too much in the way of delays. if you're hopping on a plane today, rain in buffalo, detroit, showers and thunder there. chicago later on, 66. going south though looking good through the carolinas, out toward tennessee as well. atlanta sunny and 72 degrees.
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frontal boundary near chicago this morning, you can see all the wet weather that will produce the showers we were just talking about a moment ago. we have cool chilly weather across parts of the mid- atlantic this morning. however, the mild air ahead of that front will be with us through the afternoon. by this evening, we're still nice. everything is kind of broken up with thicker clouds. generally north of i-80 in new york state, showers here. also along the front from chicago to st. louis, showers and thunderstorms. we'll push it forward into the overnight tuesday morning time frame. those showers moving into kentucky and ohio and pennsylvania. we'll be okay in the morning, mild again with a nighttime temperatures in the 40s, and even low 50s by tuesday morning. the afternoon though, the front approaches, you see a couple showers here. most of the moisture gets hung up in the mountains though. scattered showers tomorrow afternoon and by wednesday this front is going to clear us, last week we talked about wednesday looking wet. completely changed as high
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pressure builds in. it will be chilly around here with temperatures by wednesday in the low to mid 50s, back to where they should be this time of year. we break it down the next three days, we have temperatures today and tomorrow really mild. mid to upper 60s, flirting with 70 in spots on tuesday, with a scattered afternoon shower, cooler wednesday, 54. thanksgiving cloudy could be an afternoon shower, 54 before more rain and mild temperatures friday at 60. here comes more cold air, saturday's highs only in the 40s. speaking of 40s, it's 5:47. here's angie. good timing there, hb. hello everybody, hope you had a restful weekend. right now the roads not too much to complain about outside as we take a wide view of our viewing area. right now the focus is on 270 making that southbound trip. outside we are watching a little volume pick up around the germantown road area. also notice that it's a little blurry. we have foggy conditions we're dealing with. you're still okay making your way toward the split. over to the maps we go.
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this time we take it over to the outer loop. that stretch between 95 to 270, no incidents or accidents at this time. outside looking at our cameras though, we are starting to watch a little volume pick up around 29, colesville road. taking it back to the real time graphics, we have an eye on your rails, metro, marc getting the double stones, everyone is on r at 6:00 a focus on virginia roads. now back to mike. thank you, ma'am. 5:48. making news now an american scientist reports some surprising findings after his tour of a north korean nuclear facility. he says he saw a modern plant with 1000 centrifuges which would fit in any u.s. facility. he says the plant could be converted to make uranium. 30 miners and their first would be rescuers were brought out of a coal mine in china
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today. all are alive and none appears to have light threatening injuries. a summit to save tikers underway in st. petersburg, russia. 13 countries still have wild tiger populations are debating how to save them from extinction. in the last century the number of wild tigers has dropped from 100,000 down to just over 3000. now to a couple animals who are surely not in danger of becoming extinct. >> the people at california's foster farms have picked two turkeys headed to the white house for an annual tradition, the national turkey which president obama will pardon and an alternate. the pardoned turkeys live out their lives at mount vernon. >> is the alternate meaning it's the vice presidential turkey. >> i think so, the spare. you can think of him prince william, and harry. many drinks out there taunt
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their energy boosting ingredients. apparently one drink's selling point is it can help you unwind instead. aknee that brikman takes a look. >> reporter: at the end of a long day some people reach for a glass of wine. there is new drink promising to help people relax without the alcohol and far fewer calories. >> it is the ultimate relaxation beverage. >> its called unwind and it claims to help you do just that. >> this helps melilot, helps relief stress and really calms you down. >> reporter: we had employees at toka salon in alexandria try it out to see how it made them feel after a busy day with clients. >> it was very nice, i really like the flavor. >> i took it nighttime before i went to bed. it was excellent the way it calmed me down, relaxed my whole body. >> reporter: the drink is 40 calories and only 10-grams of sugar. unmined contains ingredients like melatonin, valerian, rose hip and passion flours, herbahs
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that combat anxiety and you can finds them at health food stores. we talked to nutrition experts who says the drinks are not unsafe, but she worries about possible side effects from too much melatonin. >> decreased sex drive both for men and women, headaches, nausea and a battery of other unpleasant and can be extremely harmful side effects. >> and she feels there are plenty of healthy localry snacks to help the brain relax and get you ready for sleep. >> soy foods like soy milk, soybeans, lentils, beans, protein foods like chicken, turkey, any poultry almost, you want to keep the fat content down. now, of course anita says old-fashioned tea can help you relax. the drink is $2. maybe something we should consider. considering our shift,
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absolutely. 5:51 before our break its time to answer the question of the day. what does the average american household spend more for energy on: a, appliances; b, heating and cooling; or c, water heaters? >> the answer is b, heating and cooling. according to the u.s. department of energy, 44% of the typical bill goes for heating and cooling, 27% for appliances, 14% water heating an 9% for food refrigeration, an additional 6% just for lighting. who knew? pretty cool. there you have it. there is more proof d.c. is becoming a fashionable destination. plus find out how much magic harry potter coninjured up at movie theaters over the weekend. now to jessica. hey, guys, this holiday shopping season, i am finding you deals. this morning it pays to follow or friend your favorite stores. i'll tell you how to save up to 40% off. you are watching 9news now.
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switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. it is five before 6:00 a.m. on this foggy monday morning. by 9:00 we still have fog and maybe some drizzle. that's all this green is indicating spotty drizzle this morning. by noon, look at this, a lot of
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fog will have burned off, 1:00, near 64. 61 ingatesburg, 65 in winchester. 4:45 this afternoon, mid if not upper 60s finishing with party sunny skies. 5:56. imagine this, there is a wizard at the top of the box office. >> surprise? harry potter. >> harry potter and the deathly hallows part one, coninjured up $120 million in its opening weekend, the sixth largest of all time. part two, which wraps up the seventh and final book in the series comes out next july. mega mind slipped to second place. you might say he just mopped things up, justin bieber was the big win areolate last night's american music awards. the 16-year-old won all four awards for which he was nominated, including favorite artist. he also became the youngest person ever to win that award.
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other multiple winners were eminem and usher. >> a new barbie doll is out. >> bieber's barbie. > the wall street journal has named the greater washington fashion chamber of commerce, a fashion physical incubator. it recognized fashion entrepreneurs, the awards were handed out over breakfast. threamineers got $5500 in cash prizes. d.c. councilmembers also attended. in other news, dozens gathered at panache restaurant to celebrate four years of being cancer free. good for her. the brunch in honor of the tiger lily foundation benefited women with stage four breast cancer. we told you, we wanted to send you to the caribbean. some of you believed us, some of you entered our online contest. congratulations to brenda weigle of washington, d.c., you have won a trip to aruba.
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the loyal viewer has a six day five night stay for herself and a friend to look forward to at the marriott resort. the contest was part of our sex and the city 2dvd celebration. tickets to see the rowing musical candid, it is a coproduction with the goodman theater. for more fun contests this week, join us online at the good wife heats up, a love triangle gets more complicated. >> tonight on et, we break down the good wife love triangle will alicia finally choose. >> i wanted to say thank you for the opportunity. >> caught in the middle of a tug of war between her cheating husband and potential lover, josh charles. >> the thing that everybody wants to know is there going to be a hook up or not? >> it's not just about hooking up.
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it's about a past connection. it's about missed opportunities. it's about, you know, a bond that you have with somebody and they sort of, you know, these people sort of are back in each others' lives working together. >> julianna tells us things are more complicated. >> who is she going to choose? there could be a fresh face that takes her away from both of them. will the drama come to an end? she'll probably try to stay in the middle. that's not going to happen, but that's what i would do. >> what would you do, andrea? stay in the middle. >> i want to act in the show and be part of it. good wife every tuesday night. >> 10:00 p.m. every tuesday night. more on et at 7:30. great show. don't get in the situation to begin with. >> yeah, that's a good one. thank you for watching 9news now at 6:00 a.m. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. angie will be back with traffic in a moment. howard is here with your weather first. he's the